PhD Advisees
I advise many industrial organization PhD students at Northeastern.
Students of mine on the market this year include
Diana Li. https://dianali495.github.io
Muhammad Hussein Shabanpour, https://sites.google.com/view/muhammad-shabanpour
A partial list of my students who have graduated from Northeastern includes Dan Greenfield, Andrew Kearns, Hanchun Zhang, He Wang, Arvind Sharma, Carlos Casso, Irena Tsvetkova, Richeng Piao, Nehan Naim, Pinshuo Wang, Birzhan Batkeyev, and Joanna Fister.
PhD Placement
For many years I was the PhD placement director for the economics PhD program at Northeastern. Northeastern is a small program, but it places its economics PhD students at top consulting companies, top government agencies (FTC, FCC, World Bank, FRB Banks, etc.), and excellent colleges and universities. The program trains students in industrial organization, labor, development, and sometimes macro. See the economics department web page for placement information.
I strongly encourage PhD students to learn LaTex for writing their research papers and even for their homework assignments. I recommend Overleaf for an internet based LaTex platform. I also recommend Writefull which is an AI based writing add-on application for Overleaf and Word.