
My Curriculum Vita: CV

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Work in Progress  (This folder on Google Drive contains most of my research papers)

"Competition and the Returns to Search: A Theory of Frequent-Buyer Discounts" (with Johannes Hörner and Anna Sanktjohanser. 

“Legalizing Arbitrage: A ‘Textbook’ Case” (with Brad Larsen and Sarah Moshary)

“Price Discrimination and Resale” (with Brad Larsen and Sarah Moshary)

“Home Sweet Home? Covid-19, Stadium Attendance and Efficiency in Sports Betting Markets” (with Imke Reimers). 

“Sorry, We Don’t Carry That Here,“ (with Linda Bui), October 2017.

“Pricing and Demand Uncertainty: Evidence from the Newsstand,” September 2020. PDF.

Publications (This folder on Google Drive contains most of my research papers)

‘‘Intertemporal Price Discrimination in Sequential Quantity-Price Games,’’ previously titled: ‘’Oligopoly Price Discrimination: The Role of Inventory Controls,‘’ (joint with Kevin Williams), Marketing Science, Volume 41, Issue 5, September-October 2022, pp. 871–1027.  PDF.

“Bundling Can Signal High Quality,” International Journal of Industrial Organization, Volume 69, March 2020.  PDF.

“The Effect of Passenger Mix on the U.S. Airline Industry,” (joint with Daniel Greenfield), Review of Industrial Organization, Volume 54, No. 1, February 2019, pp 111–127. PDF.

“Bundling and Quality Assurance,” (joint with Kathryn Spier), RAND Journal of Economics, Vol. 49, No. 1, Spring 2018, pp. 128-154. PDF.

“Price Discrimination on Booking Time,” (with Baris Ata), International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 43, November 2015, pp. 175–181. PDF. doi:10.1016/j.ijindorg.2015.06.002 

“Do Bundling, Tying and Other Purchase Restraints Increase Product Quality,” (with Kathryn Spier), International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 43, November 2015, pp. 142–147. PDF. doi:10.1016/j.ijindorg.2015.03.005

“Revenue Management by Sequential Screening,” (with Mustafa Akan and Baris Ata), Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 159, Part B, September 2015, pp. 728–774. PDF. doi:10.1016/j.jet.2015.07.016

“Internet Penetration and Capacity Utilization in the U.S. Airline Industry,” (joint with Eugene Orlov),  American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, vol. 6, no. 4, 2014, p. 106–137. PDF

“Buyer Groups as Strategic Commitments,” Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 74, 2012, pp. 470–485. PDF.

“Long-lived Consumers, Intertemporal Bundling and Collusion,” (joint with Yuk-Fai Fong), Journal of Industrial Economics, December 2011, Vol. LIX, No. 4, pp. 609–629. PDF.  

“Product Quality, Reputation, and Market Structure,” International Economic Review (joint with Yuk-Fai Fong), November 2011, Vol. 52, No. 4, pp. 1059–1076. PDF.

“When is Price Discrimination Profitable?,” (joint with Eric Anderson), Management Science, June 2009, Vol. 55, No. 6, pp. 980–989. PDF.

“Price Discrimination with a Resource Constraint,” (joint with Tomer Yahalom), Economics Letters, September 2008. PDF. Supplemental Appendix.

“Product Variety and Demand Uncertainty,” (joint with Dennis Carlton), the Journal of Industrial Economics, September 2008. PDF.

"Entry Deterrence in a Duopoly Market," (joint with Kathryn Spier), The Berkeley Electronic Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy: Advances, 2007. PDF.

“Comment: General and Specific Rules: A Mechanism Design Approach,” Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 2005, 161(2), pp. 347–349.

“Strategic Differentiation and Strategic Emulation in Games with Uncertainty,” Journal of Industrial Economics. PDF.

“Remark on ‘Appropriateness and Impact of Platform-Based Product Development’,” Management Science, November 2003. PDF. Earlier Version.

“The Newsvendor Model with Endogenous Demand,” (joint with Nicholas Petruzzi), Management Science, November 2001 PDF.

“Competition in Price and Availability when Availability is Unobservable,” The RAND Journal of Economics, Autumn 2001, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 497-513. PDF. 

“Revenue Sharing and Vertical Control in the Video Rental Industry,” (joint with Kathryn Spier), Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. XLIX, No. 3, September 2001. PDF. Supplemental Appendix.

“Monopoly Price Dispersion Under Demand Uncertainty,” International Economic Review, Vol. 42, No. 3, August 2001. PDF. 

“Using Yield Management to Shift Demand When the Peak Time is Unknown,” The RAND Journal of Economics, Fall 1999, pp. 456-474. PDF.

“Equilibrium Price Dispersion Under Demand Uncertainty: The Roles of Costly Capacity and Market Structure,” The RAND Journal of Economics, Winter 1999, pp. 632-660. PDF.

“Advanced Purchase discounts and Price Discrimination in Competitive Markets”, Journal of Political Economy, April 1998, pp. 395-422. PDF. Correction.

“Learning in an Equilibrium Search Model,” International Economic Review, Vol. 35, No. 3, August 1994, pp. 745-771. PDF.

“Learning and Efficiency in a Gambling Market,” (joint with Michael Knetter), Management Science, Vol. 40, No. 10, October 1994, pp. 1317-1328. PDF.

“Designing a Private Industry: Government Auctions with Endogenous Market Structure,” (with Kathryn Spier), Journal of Public Economics, 1993. PDF.

“Expertise and Contingency Fees,” (joint with Kathryn Spier), Journal of Law Economics and Organization, Vol. 9, No. 2, October 1993, pp. 349-367. PDF

“The Organization and Scope of Agents: Regulating Multiproduct Industries,” Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 59, No. 2, April 1993, pp. 288-310. PDF.

“The Biases of the Electoral College in the 1990's,” (joint with Lawrence D. Longley), Polity, Vol. XXV, Number 1, fall 1992, pp. 123-146.

“New Empirical Estimates of the Biases of the Electoral College for the 1980's,” (joint with Lawrence D. Longley), Western Political Quarterly, XXXVII, No. 1 (March 1984).

“ALI Proposals for Increase Control of the Corporation by the Board of Directors: An Economic Analysis," (with Paul MacAvoy, Scott Cantor, and Sarah Peck), in Statement of the Business Roundtable on the American Law Institute's Proposed Principles of Corporate Governance and Structure: Restatement and Recommendations, February 1983.